Creative Generalist blog has a great posting about “Gen C” – and it made me stop and think. So I followed the link to Pulse Laser’s description: 3 C Products
Gen C make their own content. Gen C form strong communities, and care about communication. They want to be connected. Gen C take on broadcast media on their own terms: They get involved, and are happy to make their own celebrities. Gen C control their own lives; they’re happy with complexity and continuous partial attention. Gen C work and live creativity: they work in creative industries, don’t look down on making and crafting, and want to adapt mass market products in acts of co-creation.
Those of you shaking your heads right now, get past buzz words and instead focus on concept. This is exactly what the members of the Catalyst Community are doing. We are making a difference – and we need to bust out of the technology mindset. I’m amazed at how much I’m learning and growing – to the point where my brain hurts! I invite you to come join us. Be part of the positive change in security. Help spread the vision of hope!