Welcome to Security Catalyst 34! I am excited to bring you an interview with a Web 2.0 company that has incorporated security and privacy into their solution from the very beginning… Always Known As (AKA). Join me as I discuss their efforts and talk security and the future of digital ID management with Greg and Terry.
I recorded this from a hotel room in Phoenix, Arizona – which is why it’s a bit later than expected. I have more podcasts recorded, lined up and ready to be edited and released and will work to get back on track.
I’ve also been busy planning to new security catalyst community, the trusted catalyst designation and a new way for us to learn and practice security that I hope to roll out this fall – we have a lot going on!
After you listen this week, let me know what you think of AKA and what questions you would like me to ask. If there is enough interest, I’ll work to resume our teleconferences/skypecasts (probably for the Trusted Catalysts) in September where we will all have the opportunity to speak with Terry and Greg about AKA directly!
My AKA: Michael
I look forward to your comments and your continued efforts. I have some exciting programs planned that I’ll be releasing in the coming months. Keep making a difference!!