Security Catalyst 27 (Wireless Law!, Compliance Advice, Your top 5?)

by | Apr 27, 2006 | Ideas & Insights

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===Begin Program ===

Welcome to episode 27 of the Security Catalyst Podcast! In this episode, we talk about the new wireless security law enacted by my neighbors in Westchester County, NY; I offer some advice and guidance on compliance (based on my experience) and then set up a case study to help us determine the steps we need to take when protecting our organizations.

The wireless law is an interesting one, and I look forward to leveraging our growing catalyst community to help provide the guidance necessary for this effort to be successful. In that same vein, we start with our security makeover series next week, and will be using the next 10 weeks to examine how to acheive compliance through security. This is a series that will benefit us all – and you will have a chance to be involved!

Based on a conversation I had yesterday, I wanted to pose a situation and then collectively determine the immediate actions we would take. The end result of this effort (over the next few months) will be a series of comprehensive (and validated!) baselines that we can use to shore up our efforts. More importantly, done right, other businesses and people new to security can learn from our experience, too!

I will post additional information and links in the forums -> and we can let the discussions begin!

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