Security Catalyst 39 – Voting Security Series – Transparent and Open Voting with Punchscan

by | Nov 29, 2006 | Ideas & Insights

As we continue our voting security series, I was intriqued by a solution that promises “Transparent, High Integrity, Open Source Elections” and decided to do some research. Well, the solution, called Punch Scan ( is a well-designed solution that leverages unique paper ballots and cryptography. The more I learn, the more I want to know about it.

For this episode, I had the chance to interview four of the team members (by Skype) to discuss their involvement, how the system works, the implications and what the next steps are.

Coming up, we’ll visit with the Punch Scan team again to dig a bit deeper and more technically into the solution. I’m also working to contact someone at Black Box Voting to speak with them about lessons learned and how our industry can get engaged to help.

Comments, ideas are welcomed!