Security Catalyst Office Hours Recap for February 5, 2021

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Ideas & Insights

This is the recap of the February 5, 2021 Security Catalyst Office Hours.

Learn more about office hours and join us on Friday at noon Eastern. 

With a potential theme of maps (which came up), we covered a lot of exciting and surprisingly connected concepts during office hours.

Some of the highlights include: 

  • Jumping right in to a new opportunity: embracing discomfort to grow
  • When is “good enough” good enough? What is the useful level for learning new skills and taking on new activities?
  • Where do we find the time? (This was a big discussion and the focus of an upcoming course) — especially the time to recharge and restore (which contributes to our feeling of defeat)
  • We focused on maps – including the layers, power of overlays, and how maps help us and others learn
  • How do we build self-awareness in ourselves and others? And does map-making offer a solution?

Here is the sketchnote summary: 

And this week I recorded a video summary, too: 

Some of the topics connected with the “Guide to Take Back Your Week” – the free guide to stop feeling defeated on Friday. 

See you next Friday!