Did you know about the changes in Daylight Savings Time for 2007? Have you already assessed the plan you and your company will use to reduce friction? For the first Security Catalyst podcast of 2007, I decided to push the (Teach Your) Family Security Series back a week in order to shed some light on the changes that the shift in Daylight Savings Time (DST) will see in 2007.
During this episode, we explore:
The improvements planned for 2007, which include
* More programming and a focus on series (Family Security, Hard Drive Encryption, etc.)
* The change to a more consultative approach — so you can work smarter, not harder
* The introduction of the monthly Security Q&A with Adam Dodge
* The introduction of the monthly Privacy Stratgies with John Sileo
* The launch of the Catalyst Community Forums http://community.santarmj.staging.wpengine.com/forums/index.php
Note: please come and join us in the forums, but please register using the convention firstname.lastname and include your full name in your signature. Thanks!
Daylight Savings Time 2007
Now takes effect three weeks earlier, on Sunday March 11, 2007
Ends one week later, Sunday November 4, 2007
Some useful links to help you get started in your preparation. More will be maintained in the Catalyst Community Forum Topic (along with my outline for a basic action plan):
Community Forum Topic: http://community.santarmj.staging.wpengine.com/forums/index.php/topic,32.0.html
Our initial heads up:
http://securitycatalyst.com/2006/12/04/dst2007-%e2%80%93-springing-ahead-of-time/ (hat tip to Ron Woerner for being ahead of the curve)
The CISCO briefings on the events in Oz:
Daylight Savings Time Impact on Cisco Security MARS in Australia
Australian 2006 Daylight Saving Impact on Data Center/GSS and Branch Office Application Products
Vendors (start your search here):
Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/timezone/dst2007.mspx
Cisco: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/custcosw/ps1973/products_field_notice09186a008076fca2.shtml
SUN (Java Runtime Environment): http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Intl/USDST_Faq.html
Oracle: http://blogs.oracle.com/schan/2006/12/26
If you liked this program, please take a moment to subscribe and invite two friends to subscribe, too. We can all make 2007 a year where we think about and practice security more effectively!