Security Catalyst, Show #7 (spam, compliance, cybercrime)

by | Dec 5, 2005 | Ideas & Insights

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* subscribe with the RSS 2.0 feed(s) to your right
* check out the message board @ Security Synergy (registration required)
* add yourself to the security catalyst map
* Call the listener feedback line: 206-333-1936
* If you liked the show, tell a friend; if you didn’t, tell me!

Download or listen to Security Catalyst #7 here (28 minutes long + a 3 minute song)

We continue our drive for a tighter format – we kept it to about 30 minutes! Thanks to Matt and Josh for pre-production planning. On today’s show, we take at look at three “Current Affairs” and then address them in three ways:

* Why is this important
* What should you do about it (or what am I going to do about it)
* How can you explain this to someone else?

On Today’s Show

Story #1 – FTC Study on Spam
FTC Study Concludes Masking, Filtering Stop Spammers
FTC Study Concludes Masking, Filtering Stop Spammers

Story #2 – Compliance boosts Tech Spending
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance To Boost Tech Spending

Story #3 – Cybercrime
Expert: Cyber-crime Yields More Cash than Drugs

Your feedback is needed!
I am evaluating Plaxo (with the help of others) to determine if this is safe to use, or if it provides a security risk. I need your help!
If you use Plaxo and love it, I want to hear from you – and why.
If you don’t use Plaxo, I’d like to know why?
And if you’re not sure, let me know what questions or concerns you have, so I can address them in the next week.

The following track from the podsafe music collection of podshow were used during episode #7.

What to Do With Michael