By Adam Dodge
This weekend I finally did it. I was tired of the sub-par performance. Tired of being forced to redo the same job over and over again to get it right. Just plain tired of nothing working like it should. So I broke down. I had just had enough. This weekend I bought myself a new vacuum.
That’s right, yours truly is the proud owner of a fancy new vacuum cleaner and, believe me, it was well worth the purchase price. The amount of – let’s call it crud – crud that I pulled off my floor was downright sickening. Yet, it was also amazing. Here I thought that I was actually cleaning when vacuuming and all I was doing was tricking myself. Yes indeed, the vacuum was an excellent purchase. As an added bonus, I now have all these new attachments with which to play.
So what does all of this have to do with information security? Plenty. Anyone working in the information security field knows the pain of trying to institute necessary changes and running into the all to frequent wall called “I’ve been doing it this way for X years”. (This wall is also know as “Other organizations are doing it this way”.) Like me with my broken vacuum, people are comfortable with familiarity and often resist changing until absolutely necessary.
One of the tenets that gets tossed around when implementing any type of security controls is to make the process as transparent as possible to the target audience. Generally, we take this to mean that the controls should be hidden away from the end user as much as possible. However, there is a better way. Whenever possible, we need to improve security by implementing solutions that offer minimal differences in all aspects. In other words, replace the broken vacuum with a new one, not a mop.
However, simply because I replaced my old, broken vacuum with a shiny new one does not mean that I will be happy with the purchase. After all, if my new vacuum required complicated setup or extra operating steps (for example, constantly having to change a bag) I would by annoyed. Luckily this was not the case, two screws and an on-off switch equals a happy Adam. The same is true for any new security controls. Replacing a control with a better, yet familiar, control will only lead to frustration and avoidance of the new control.
Of course, new additions are not always a bad thing. For example, my vacuum came with a few attachments that I did not have before. Some of these attachments, like the upholstery cleaner, are welcome additions. (Long, white haired cat plus upholstery equals a chore!) However, other attachments, such as the “electro-static duster”, are not so useful.
The best part is that these additional components do not affect the main operation of the vacuum. The same should hold true for any security improvements we try to implement. Optional services need to be just that, optional. While these geegaws may add value, the main focus of the control needs to be the basic functionality of the control.
So there it is. Frustration with a bad vacuum cleaner leads to thoughts on how the best approach replacing outdate/non-functioning security controls. My mind works in mysterious ways. What are you still doing here? Go out and start selling vacuums at your organization.