When was the last time you delayed sharing something you created?
Some folks are reluctant to share drawings, maps, and even updates. Presentations frequently cause hesitation (and sometimes procrastination).
What held you back?
Did you fear what people would say?
Fear creates doubt, hesitation, and procrastination. Then we find ourselves in a loop trying to balance the tension between wanting to get it just right (some say perfect) and just sharing what we have.
For me, it’s the endless discoveries I make on the journey that hold me back. As soon as I figure something out, I see the next step or more. I think, “if I just figure out this next step, then I’ll share it.”
Of course, the next step reveals more to figure out.
Yet any time I show my work-in-process to people, I always come away better for it compared to handling one more round by myself. The folks who engage with me seem to come away better for it, too.
Why not do more of it?
As I was writing this, I realized something profound: the distinction between sharing our work (the results) and showing our work (the process).
Showing our work means sharing the process and the incremental steps, including incomplete thoughts and mistakes. We share the ideas, concepts, and experiences on the journey to our result. When we show our work, we take away the mystery of what we’re doing.
We make our value visible to others when we show our work.
We allow others the opportunity to engage and contribute to our effort if they want.
It only takes one conversation with someone excited about what you showed to reveal something they’re working on — and you both walk away fired up and better for it.
I am committed to showing more of my work, sooner.
When I made the shift to showing my work sooner, I was nervous. That faded quickly, because showing my work created so many great conversations and connections that I kick myself for not starting… sooner.
I believe security teams that want to connect with the business need to show their work sooner, too.
Are you in?
What work will you show this week?
After you do it, let me know how it went and what you learned in the process!